Understanding Presbyopia
Presbyopia affects the lens of your eye, which functions similarly to the lens of a camera. When you are young, your lens is thin and elastic. It bends and flexes with the muscles of the eye in order to focus clearly on fine print, such as the print of a newspaper, menu or a label. But in most people around the age of 40, changes that occur in the proteins that make up the lens cause the lens to thicken and lose flexibility. With less flexibility, the eye has greater difficulty focusing on nearby objects. Eventually everyone develops presbyopia. Depending on the individual case, it may be apparent in a person’s early 40s or may not be noticeable until the person reaches his or her late 40s or early 50s.

For the average adult, an unusual change in vision occurs sometime after the age of 40. It is common to discover the need to hold reading material further away to make the print clearer. Prolonged periods of close tasks such as typing on a smartphone or sewing also become more tiresome. These changes occur due to a condition called presbyopia. Although presbyopia is a perfectly normal response to the aging process — as natural as graying hair or stiffening joints — it is nevertheless distressing. At The Eye Health Centre, we offer a range of services designed to treat presbyopia and restore excellent reading vision.

Signs That Suggest Presbyopia
As mentioned, one of the biggest clues suggesting you have presbyopia is the need to hold reading material, like a newspaper, magazine or menu, at arm’s length to make the print comprehensible. You may find yourself needing brighter light to see clearly. Prolonged periods of reading or other close work can be tiring and cause headaches, eye fatigue and sore eyes. It might be particularly difficult to read late at night or during periods of stress.
Diagnosing Presbyopia
Presbyopia is diagnosed with a comprehensive eye exam and evaluation of visual acuity. Once we confirm presbyopia, we can consult with you regarding the most suitable treatment options. Presbyopia cannot be reversed and will continue to progress with age.
Solutions for Presbyopia
Refractive Lens Exchange
Learn More About Presbyopia
The Eye Health Centre team understands that there is no universal solution to presbyopia. What works for you is based on your visual needs, lifestyle and personal preferences. To determine the presbyopia solution that suits you, please request a consultation with our team today. We have four office locations serving the entire Brisbane area and beyond.